wtorek, 22 września 2009

Do not kill, do not steal, because it's funny

This player seemed to be strange from the first impression. He was prowling around me with no obvious reason. And was doing nothing useful. Not killing monsters, not exping… He was continuously standing begind my back, when I was fighting yellow slimes in search for iron ore. Eventually, when I was battling several black scorpions and red slimes, he grabbed leather shirt which had been dropped by a killed monster and bolted. Not far away, I have spotted him in the next tunnel. „You took my shirt” I said. „No!” he denied, but he must had realised this sounds not very reliable, so he decided to eliminate the theft witnesses. „I kill you” he stated and he really tried to attack me. Obviously unsuccesfully and I was rolling on my chair, laughing, so he run away before I was able to do anything.
What was so funny about it? It reminded me Ahmed — the Dead Terrorist. That is how this „i kill you” sounded for me. Right after this incident I decided to start a blog about the game. Oh, if you do not know Ahmed, please watch the movie and try to imagine this „i kill you” in the dark tunnel of mine.
I haven't seen comrade Jolle since then. If you ever meet him, greet him from me and ask, if the shirt wears well.

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