wtorek, 22 września 2009

Okay, but what is this play-act?

It is Role Play(-act) Gaming. Or, to be exact: cRPG. The Mana World is the internet game for many players I enjoy lately. This project is free, non-commercial, in creation by hotheads as free software. It is not finished, continuously something new appears, something changes, to be honest: all players are testers and guinea-pigs. But it has its own charm and one may like it.

As I stated once, in every game funny and unusual situations occur, especially, when various folks from all over the world meet. It would be a pityful waste to not document them, and so the idea of the blog appeared.

Why such name? Mañana — from Spanish (tomorrow) is in Poland synonym of relaxed approach to life where no hurry exists. That is how i play the game and that is haw thos blog will be (I hope) maintained.

If you know at least basic English (I suppose you do, if you are reading this), you may like to try The Mana World. The game is available for various operating systems. Do not expect hyper-graphics, but you may expect fun and kind play-mates.

Portable installer (so that you may install it on a pendrive and take to work).
Polish version of this blog, where some useful tips and translations form wiki should appear, as there is no Polish tutorials to the game.

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